

UW-Eau克莱尔 views hate/bias incidents and all manifestations of prejudice and intolerance as antithetical to our mission as a university and a community, 同时也是对每个人安全生活权利的威胁, 学习, 工作环境. 偏见事件报告(BIRT)团队提供了一个分享的渠道, 文档, and appropriately address all such incidents toward the goal of better understanding our campus climate.


某人做的事, 说, 或者以其他方式表示,这是出于与年龄有关的偏见, 比赛, 种族, 性, color, 信条, 宗教, 残疾, 资深地位, 性别认同或表达, 国家的起源, 性取向, 政治面貌, 婚姻状况, 或者这些因素或其他相关因素的任何组合.

提交一个 偏见事件报告表.



如果你是偏见/仇恨的目标(或目睹偏见/仇恨事件), 填写一份偏见事件报告表. 尽可能详细. 如果你想保持匿名, 你会有这样的选择, withholding information can potentially limit our ability to share next steps and any resulting action). Once the form is completed to the best of your ability and you have submitted it, 将通知偏见事件报告小组.

If a crime is happening now or just occurred and someone is hurt or in danger, call 911.

如果您不希望提交偏见事件报告表格, call the 教务长 office at 715-836-5626 or visit them in Schofield 240.



Once the 偏见事件报告 Team receives the bias/hate incident reporting form, an initial letter is sent out within 48-hours to the individual who made the submission. 这封信包含了反映事件的个性化内容, 还有一份丰富的校园资源清单. 首先也是最重要的, the BIRT ensures the immediate safety and support of those affected by incidents of bias/hate. 下一个, the BIRT assigns the bias/hate case to the appropriate campus department for immediate review and next steps, 其中包括为个人和/或社区提供支持, 转发调查报告, 并对额外教育项目的需求进行战略规划. 


在完成步骤2中所有可用的操作之后, a final letter will be sent to the individual who initially submitted the 偏见事件报告表. The final letter will include any actions taken (pursuant to confidentiality restrictions), and there will be an opportunity to ask any remaining questions about the process, 结果, 或者努力阻止未来的事件. 一旦最后一封信发出,这个案子就结束了. The case may be reopened at any time, should additional information become available. Further, anyone involved in a bias/hate incident can ask questions about the case at any time. 




In order to prevent bias/hate incidents from creating a hostile environment for any individual or group on campus and interfering with UW-Eau克莱尔's educational mission, we believe the university and all people of conscience within the campus community must raise their voices in opposition to messages of hate and intolerance. 请和我们一起努力抵制偏见, 歧视, and acts of hate in order to maintain and further a culturally diverse and inclusive campus climate where all identities and perspectives are emb比赛d. 

包容从“我”开始,“我们每个人都在维护安全方面发挥着关键作用, 尊重校园社区. 为了培养一种报道的文化, we must do our part to hold each other accountable to our institutional mission of equity, 多样性, 和包容. If you witness or are made aware of a bias/hate incident, submit a 偏见事件报告表. 如果你是偏见/仇恨的目标,我们鼓励你伸出手来. 如果你不愿意提交偏见事件报告表, 让你信任的朋友帮你做这件事. At any time, we invite you to reach out to any member of the 偏见事件报告 Team. 


It is important to note that not every act which may be offensive to an individual or group will be considered to be discriminatory conduct and a violation of system or institutional policy. 这所大学重视并拥护自由探究的理想, 思想自由, 以及言论自由, 所有这些都必须在一个学者群体中得到至关重要的维持. Whether a specific incident constitutes 骚扰 as proscribed by university policy or federal law will be decided on a case-by-case basis. 将适当考虑保护第一修正案的权利.

While the First Amendment protects the free expression of ideas that are sometimes offensive, 这并不意味着大学无力回应. 而不是试图审查或惩罚言论自由, the 偏见事件报告 Team 文档s and tracks these incidents in order to:

  • Assist the target of bias/hate in receiving the appropriate support services (if requested)
  • Work collaboratively across campus to develop programming and training opportunities to address individual and systemic inequity
  • 发现有偏见或仇恨活动的新模式, 无论是在校园里还是在更大的社区内
  • 发布有关偏见/仇恨事件和趋势的汇总数据
  • Make recommendations to campus leadership for the prevention of future bias/hate incidents

由于事件的可变性, BIRT团队也会咨询学生, 教师, 以及其他威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校系的员工, 项目, and organizations who can help the team make the most informed response possible to a report of a bias/hate incident.

People who commit acts of bias or hate that are not protected under the First Amendment may be subject to disciplinary action or prosecution. 可能的例子包括身体攻击, 破坏公物, 非法侵入, 骚扰, 煽动, 或者是真正的暴力威胁. 


Christopher Jorgenson (chair) | Executive Director of Diversity, Inclusion, and Leadership
玛迪Blong & 罗莎·戈麦斯|学生事务公平委员会(学生参议院)
Deb Newman |住房和居住生活
Gregg Heinselman |学生事务临时主任
凯丽·弗里德|性别 & 性资源中心




BIRT代表偏见事件报告小组. The team meets periodically during the year to refine response plans to bias incidents with the ultimate goal of improving climate on the campus. 具体情况具体分析, BIRT团队咨询学生, 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校其他院系的教职员工, 项目 and organizations who can help the team make the most informed response possible to a report of a bias/hate incident. 

The Bias Incident Response Team at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 is comprised of the following offices:

  • 教务长
  • 住房和居住生活
  • 多元文化学生服务
  • 反歧视行动
  • 性别 & 性资源中心
  • 整合营销与传播
  • 种族和恢复性司法中心

偏见/仇恨事件是一种行为, 演讲, or expression to which a bias motive is evident as a contributing factor (regardless of whether the act is criminal).


Anyone who knows about situation that may be bias related can report it to BIRT.


如果事件涉及威胁或伤害,并且正在发生或刚刚发生, 请立即拨打911报警.


  • 向宿舍助理或宿舍主任报告.
  • 完成一份偏见事件报告.
  • 在weweek网站上找到这份报告.ly/BIRT or type “BIRT” in the search field at the top right on the UW-Eau克莱尔 website.
  • 向任何一个BIRT成员报告.

Reports are shared with any departments which may be able to assist the BIRT team. 最初,为了保护潜在受害者的隐私,姓名会被删除, 但可能会在受害者同意的情况下分享. A response is determined for each incident and varies depending on the details of the report.

学生怎么办?, 教师, 或被认定为偏见/仇恨事件肇事者的员工?

The incident and potential perpetrators are investigated by the appropriate agency (i.e. 教务长 and/or Housing staff for students and Human Resources staff for 教师 and staff). 一旦调查人员或机构作出决定, 我们将采取措施解决任何不符合我们政策的行为. 将提供教育以防止今后发生类似事件.


是的! 你可以在 年度偏见事件报告 标签上面. 

What can I do to make this campus more welcoming for all of our students, 教师, and staff?
  • 报告你所知道的任何事故.
  • 参加校园内的旁观者培训机会.e. 安全空间训练).
  • 面对欺凌或有偏见行为的同伴.







*较早的BIRT事故报告可应要求提供给 edi@mydiyparty.com






